We are excited to welcome some new faces to the St David’s team.
Our Shropshire base welcomes Lucian Valasutean. Lucian joined us early June and will be based at Wem. Lucian impressed us with his enthusiasm for the industry and interest in developing new areas of the business. After working in a mixed practice and for the FSA, Lucian worked in a large animal practice before working as the vet for Highbury.
Victor Ogedegbe will also be covering the Shropshire/Herefordshire regions. He joined the poultry team in January from PrognostiX, where he was responsible for deploying IoT sensor technologies in cattle and broiler houses. Alongside Victor and Lucian, Kathryn Stewart is based from our Leominster branch. Kathryn joined us in 2018 after deciding to switch her focus on poultry having worked 6 years in a farm practice. St David’s director, Richard Turner, is also seeing clients 2 days a week in the Shropshire area. We have a long standing presence in the region and were the first poultry practice in the area over 20 years ago.
Covering the Midland areas, we welcome Henri Kodilinye-Sims. After graduating from The Royal Veterinary College London in 2010, Henri went straight into a mixed practice in Surrey where she saw lots pf pet chickens. After deciding that she wanted to pursue her interest in poultry, due to an interest in herd health medicine and veterinary public health, she joined a large poultry practice for a number of years. Following this, she moved back down south to The University of Surrey to promote the industry and teach veterinary students in poultry husbandry, medicine and surgery. She is also involved in research and is a poultry consultant for the veterinary health innovation engine (vHIVE), a collaboration with Zoetis. Henri is also on the BVPA committee, focusing on poultry education and she has postgraduate qualifications including a diploma in veterinary public health and epidemiology and a certificate in learning and teaching. Henri still teaches at the University of Surrey whilst consulting for St David’s.
In Northern Ireland and Ireland, we welcome two new team members – Ryan Houston and Aonghus Lane. Following qualifying, Ryan worked in mixed practice in Northern Ireland for 15 years before taking on a new challenge in the poultry sector. Aonghus is originally from Limerick, near the Newcastlewest branch of St David’s. Aonghus worked 6 years of working in mainly dairy practice, though had always had an interest in poultry, having bred and shown purebred chickens for over 10 years. In 2018, he completed a post graduate certificate in Applied Poultry Science through SRUC.
If you would like to find out more about our team of vets, please visit https://www.stdavids-poultryteam.co.uk/about-us/poultry-team-vets/
Following the completion of final year examinations, we soon welcome our new interns! We have run our internship programme since 2014 and over 6 months, we provide training and experience for newly qualified vets or those looking to move into the poultry industry. For all our vets and field services personnel, we have an ongoing commitment to their professional development and training to ensure the high standards of expertise across the team. If you would like to find out more about opportunities at St David’s, please visit our careers section of our website.