Disease Update- Release by the NFU on 15/01/16
- Culling was completed on site this morning
- Preliminary C+D expected to be carried out Saturday 16/01/16. Possibility that may be started today (Friday)]
- Some hatching eggs have been disposed of.
- Trade – Hong Kong have put in place a ban on poultry products from the county of Fife.
Please see the weblinks below which provide an update on the following.
HPAI situation in France http://ec.europa.eu/food/animals/docs/reg-com_ahw_20160112_pres_hp-avian-influenza-france.pdf
LPAI situation in Gemany http://ec.europa.eu/food/animals/docs/reg-com_ahw_20160112_pres_lp-avian-influenza-germany.pdf