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Disease Update 26th September 2016: AI Situation in France

Please see below the summary of the update from Defra on the Avian Influenza situation in France. Click here to view the report. 

British Poultry Council summary:

  • A small number of new outbreaks have been detected in South West of France due to intense surveillance; 
  • Since November 2015, 81 outbreaks have been confirmed HPAI H5 (N1,N2 and N9) and 19 outbreaks of LPAI H5 (N2 and N3); 
  • There has been a significant reduction in the rate of detection compared to before the fallow period; 
  • Some seropositive breeding farms will be kept under restriction until March 2017; 
  • All new outbreaks will be treated as any other AI outbreak, with usual EU disease control rules applying;
  • The restriction zone across the south west of France in place until the 15th September has been lifted. 

Defra would like to remind all poultry keepers to maintain high standards of bio-security, remain vigilant and report any suspect clinical signs promptly and in addition using the testing to exclude scheme for avian notifiable disease where appropriate for early safeguard. For more information, please see 

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