“My passion for poultry stemmed from my role as assistant manager on a rare breed poultry farm during my teens and throughout university. I studied veterinary medicine at the University of Liverpool, where I was set on becoming a poultry vet.
Having started my career as a commercial poultry vet in 2021, my work has focused predominantly on broilers, free-range layers and gamebirds. The dynamic range of vets in St David’s Poultry Team, along with the team’s established skills in many areas of poultry medicine, is what attracted me to join the practice in 2023.
I enjoy working with clients towards a common goal; whether that be establishing a diagnosis or pushing for improved performance. Our industry has seen a real shift to making the most out of birds’ genetic potential through proactive management and veterinary care, which is something I am passionate about during my day-to-day work. I have a keen interest in using statistics and data to our advantage when faced with the increasing drive for sustainability and improved efficiency of production.
I am also currently completing my Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP) in Poultry.”